Located in the industrial core of Barcelona, the hydrogen generation and refueling station (HRS) designed and integrated by Clantech for Iberdrola depicts one of the largest of its kind in the world, being at the time of its inauguration in 2022:
- The first heavy duty vehicles HRS in Spain.
- The largest HRS in Spain.
- The first HRS for public transport in Spain.
The station provides H2 at 350 barg both for Barcelona’s fleet of fuel cell-powered city buses (TMB) through dispensers and for Tube Trailers’ supply on demand through a loading and unloading panel.
- Type: H2 mobility - H35 HDV.
- Client: Iberdrola - TMB.
- Capacity: 304 - 1140 kg/day.
- Date: 2021-2022.
- Location: Barcelona, Spain.
- Basic engineering
- Detailed engineering
- Construction
- Commissioning & Installation
- Units: 1-2
- Technology: PEM
- Power supply: 2,5 kW
- Capacity: 45 kg/h
- Units: 1
- Pressure: 30 barg
- Capacity: 23 kg
- Units: 2-8
- Pressure: 305 barg
- Capacity: 515 kg
- Units: 1-4
- Pressure: 450 barg
- Capacity: 42 kg
- Units: 2-5
- Type: H35 HDV
- Refueling time: 15'
- Units: 1
- Type: Loading & Unloading
- Filling pressure: 300 barg
- Automated operation
- Proccess / safety separation
- Built-in HMI
At the beginning of 2019 in Aalborg (Denmark), a project with the objective of decarbonizing public transport in the Northern Region of the country is launched by the regional government and the company 3Emotion, for which an industry-benchmark engineering company with experience in the sector was required. Under this premise, Clantech was subcontracted for the design and integration of a hydrogen refueling station, which was built and commissioned that same year and delivered at the end of 2019.
The aim of the station is to refuel 3 fuel cell powered buses per day up to 350 barg, dispensing a total of up to 100 kilograms. To this effect, hydrogen is generated on site by an electrolyzer capable of producing 60 Nm3/h at 35 bar and compressed and stored at different pressure ranges for subsequent cascade-system refueling.
- Type: H2 mobility - H35 HDV.
- Client: 3Emotion.
- Capacity: ~100 kg/day.
- Date: 2019-2020.
- Location: Aalborg, Denmark.
- Basic engineering
- Detailed engineering
- Construction
- Commissioning & Installation
- Units: 1
- Technology: Alkaline
- Power supply: 450 kW
- Capacity: 60 Nm3/h
- Units: 1
- Pressure: 35 barg
- Capacity: 10 kg
- Units: 1
- Pressure: 300 barg
- Capacity: 114 kg
- Units: 1
- Pressure: 450 barg
- Capacity: 118 kg
- Units: 1
- Type: H35 HDV
- Refueling time: <30'
- Automated operation
- Proccess / safety separation
- Built-in HMI
Mirai (“future” in Japanese) is how Toyota named in 2015 the first hydrogen fuel cell-powered car in history, which does not arrive in Spain until 2019, at which time only half of its tank can be filled as all refueling stations are limited to 350 barg.
It is not until the end of 2020 when, in Avenue Manoteras (Madrid, Spain), Clantech inaugurates the first high-pressure hydrogen refueling station in Spain, with the capacity of filling a fuel cell powered hydrogen car completely (700 barg) in less than 5 minutes.
Designed, integrated and maintained by Clantech, the HRS can boast of being one of the hydrogen stations that have met initial expectations the most and best, doubling the daily dispensing capacity initially required.
The station supplies hydrogen at 700 barg for a fleet of 12 Toyota Mirai vehicles that the Japanese company has in the city of Madrid. The initial requirement was to refuel 2 cars per day (10 kilograms in total), an amount that has been increased to 5-6 vehicles per day thanks to some modifications and optimizations of the plant.
- Type: H2 mobility - H70 LDV.
- Client: Enagás - Toyota.
- Capacity: ~25 kg/day.
- Date: 2019-2020.
- Location: Madrid, Spain.
- Basic engineering
- Detailed engineering
- Construction
- Commissioning & Installation
- Maintenance
- Units: 1
- Pressure: 300 barg
- Capacity: 11 kg
- Units: 1
- Pressure: 500 barg
- Capacity: 8 kg
- Units: 1
- Pressure: 900 barg
- Capacity: 10 kg
- Units: 1
- Type: H70 LVD
- Refueling time: 5'
- Automated operation
- Proccess / safety separation
- Built-in HMI
On August 24th, 2021, 50 kilometers north of Santiago de Chile, a historic event for the country takes place at the Las Tórtolas mining plant: the production of the first green hydrogen molecule. This was the inauguration’s headline of the hydrogen generation and refueling plant that Clantech designed, built and delivered to Engie and Anglo American.
Integrated into a 20-foot container, the installation aim is to fill two forklifts at 350 barg, dispensing 2 kilograms of green hydrogen per day, which is generated by renewable energy from a photovoltaic plant located in the same mining plant.
- Type: H2 mobility - H35 LDV.
- Client: Engie - Anglo American.
- Capacity: ~2 kg/day.
- Date: 2019-2020.
- Location: Santiago, Chile.
- Basic engineering
- Detailed engineering
- Construction
- Commissioning & Installation
- Units: 1
- Techonology: PEM
- Power supply: 5 kW
- Capacity: 1 Nm3/h
- Units: 1
- Pressure: 50 barg
- Capacity: 2 kg
- Units: 1
- Pressure: 450 barg
- Capacity: 12 kg
- Units: 1
- Type: H35 LDV
- Refueling time: 5'
- Automated operation
- Proccess / safety separation
- Built-in HMI
In addition to the ones already delivered, Clantech currently has several industrial projects under development:
- EMT – Mallorca
- ECLOSIÓN – Jerez
- Consulting and feasibility projects for REPSOL
- Consulting and feasibility projects for PTESGC